Getting your water tested is so important which is why Hawkins Water provides free basic testing as well as affordable treatment options to help keep you and your family safe.

Get a Home Water Test to learn more about your water

To learn about what contaminants might be in your water, you’ll want to take advantage of our in-home water test. It’s actually fairly simple and painless.

Use the contact form on the right to let us know you’d like a Water Test and one of our friendly representatives will get in touch right away to schedule a convenient time to test your water.

We have the utmost respect for your time and will perform a basic test on your water to determine your Hardness, Nitrates, Iron, Total Dissolved Solids, and the presence of Arsenic.

We can also help you with the following problems in our area:

Dirt & Sediment

Treatment – Dirt and sediment are generally found in all water supplies and will decrease the efficiency and life span of your appliances. For example, sediment in a water heater does not allow the heat to transfer to the water in the tank once it has built up in the bottom. To avoid this headache, POE (point of entry) whole house water filters can be applied to your home. To ensure that your entire home is protected, these filters are added to the main incoming water line. Sediment filters come in various sizes to treat your individual needs.

Iron & Manganese

Treatment – Iron and Manganese cause similar problems because they are chemically similar. Therefore we are able to treat both contaminants with an ion exchange process. As with all of our systems, this treatment method is adjusted based on your individual water analysis.


Treatment – Odor in water can be caused by a variety of factors including hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg smell), bacterial iron, or high chlorine content. Hydrogen Sulfide can be treated a couple different ways based on the parts per million present in your water. Bacterial Iron can be eliminated by chlorination to kill the bacteria and then the iron is removed by either ion exchange or filtration.


Treatment – The most efficient Chlorine reduction filter is Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) or Catalytic Carbon. Due to the high level of chlorine or chloramines added to water and adjusting pH levels by cities, it may be necessary to use catalytic carbon to ensure better chlorine & chloramine reduction. See our Whole House Filtration page for more information.


Treatment Options – GFO+Adsorption Media and/or Reverse Osmosis.   There are several common treatment options to remove/reduce arsenic from water supplies. In the adsorption process, contaminants in the aqueous stream break their bond with water molecules and chemically adhere to a filter media. In most systems, this is accomplished by directing the water flow through pressure vessels containing the filter media at a rate that allows enough contact time for the adsorption to occur. Another treatment option for Arsenic reduction is Reverse Osmosis filtration. A Reverse Osmosis system can be applied to the entire home or at the point of use (POU), generally for drinking water.

How we approach treating your water

We have found that one standard approach to treating various contaminants in your water does not always work.  Many times one treatment option that works on one water supply fails another with similar contaminants. In order to properly design a water treatment system, a complete analysis must be done to identify all contaminants including inorganic and heavy metals in the water. This will allow us to provide you with a system that works well year after year. Fill out the form on the right and we’ll get in touch with you for your personal evaluation and specific treatment options.